Our Services


We are a group of entrepreneurs and investors who believe that Everyone deserves the chance to make their dream a reality, and live life their own way. We also believe that disruptive businesses can improve the world (and particularly Japan). Join us and let’s grow together!

スタートアップインキュベーター(一部有料)| INCUBATOR


We work with the most prolific global virtual accelerator 1Mby1M, headquartered in Silicon Valley, to deliver powerful, proven curriculum, and give you access to Silicon Valley’s ecosystem and methodology.

メンタリング | MENTORING


We can connect you with mentors in Kansai & Silicon Valley, to help your business grow.

資金調達 | FUNDING



If we think your idea has potential, we’ll provide Funding & Support for you to complete our Incubation program.

When you’re ready, we’ll provide Angel funding, or introduce you to other funding sources.

創業者 | Founders


Enter your email address to Apply for Incubation / Funding with us, and sign up for our updates.

メンター・投資家 | Mentors & Investors

関西エンジェルズメンター・投資家グループに参加しませんか?私たちの全てのメンバーは、関西のスタートアップに、メンターまたはエンジェル投資する事に同意しています。以下にメールアドレスを入力すると、エンジェル投資リソース・ニュース・イベント情報をメールでお届けします。NEW: Facebookグループも作成いたしました、ぜひご参加ください。

Enter your email address to join our Angel Investor Network, and sign up for our updates. All our members must be willing to either Mentor, or Angel Invest in Kansai startups. NEW: We have also created a Facebook group.

Kansai Startup Ecosystem Map


Contribute to society by investing in young people and companies in Kansai

2) 自分の知識や起業経験を生かせる投資先を探すこと
Source investments that can utilize our knowledge and entrepreneurial experience

Have fun, and

Make a Profit.